
Pathos Classic Remix Red DISPLAY MODEL

Original price was: CAD$4,945.00.Current price is: CAD$3,900.00.


Red Lacquer Display Model

Presented during the last edition of the Munich High-End 2014, the new integrated amplifier of Pathos Acoustics stems from the desire of the company from Vicenza to make a deep renewal of one of the biggest international hits of its history that is the critically acclaimed and award-winning amplifier ClassicOne, which in any case will still remain in its catalog.

But in the act of thinking about the new ClassicRemix the company becames aware that with the renewal could not miss even a new and more ambitious positioning in the market. In fact, the mission entrusted to the ClassicRemix is to meet the increasingly demanding expectations of the public audiophile and at the same time meet the attention of young people and those who are “just” in love with the Music.

Sound performance
To reach this goal, the company has used first of all the twenty years of experience in hybrid amplifications. By starting from this wealth of knowledge and experience, Pathos has subsequently refined every aspect of the circuitry (as clean as possible) and has made a careful selection of components that must meet the requirements of the highest quality and musicality. The result is then a hybrid device, Class A / B, with a fully balanced circuit and capable of providing a power of 70 + 70W (prudential).

The preamp section has been realized around a pair of valves Electro Harmonix ECC88 – 6922 (double triodes) in a differential configuration that is one tube per channel in order to realize the first signal amplification while maintaining the balanced configuration and in such a way that an unbalanced input signal can be converted into a balanced signal.

As a further demonstration of the care in design and construction that Pathos wanted to put in this new integrated, deserve special mention the oversized laminated transformer from 240VA developed in partnership with a major supplier and deputy to fuel the final section through stabilization, bridge rectifier and capacitors with filtering of more than 45k-uF, input selectors to switching of mechanical relays watertight specially designed for field audio with internal contact and sealed under vacuum to prevent oxidation and finally the ability to adjust and store the listening volume of each entrance. The company is proud of not having left nothing to chance and safe in doing so to satisfy the most demanding audiophiles.

Management of digital music file
The versatility of the digital world is made possible by a built-in high quality converter (DAC specially designed for ClassicRemix – optional) and a rich set of digital connections. HiDac Mk2 and HiDac are the result of significant know-how accumulated by Pathos in the design and implementation of digital converters for the cd-players Endorphin and Digit, in the Converto project and in previous versions of HiDac created to be included within the amplifiers Logos, Ethos and InpolRemix.

As integration to this conversion board there are numerous digital connections on the rear of the amplifier, which put in communication the HiDac and HiDac Mk2 (the converters) with the outside world; in fact there is a SPDIF, a SPDIF Optical (Toslink), a USB Type “B”. In this regard Pathos has made an important choice and has created an open architecture, that can meet any customer requirement, indeed the ClassicRemix is available without inner converter, or equipped with the current HiDac or HiDac Mk2.

Listening by headphones
Usually an integrated amplifier that offers the possibility of listening with headphones makes use of cost-effective solutions and compromises. It is not the case of ClassicRemix, here the company from the planning stage has set itself the goal to achieve very high listening performance to levels comparable to those of a dedicated amplifier.

Hence the choice to realize a real amplifier in the amplifier with dedicated and strong power supply, a fully balanced circuit which exploits the signal coming from the valves preamplifier section of the ClassicRemix which in turn ensures a low noise, a large range dynamic (120db) and cleaning listening.

Completing the picture a large bandwidth and a generous output power (greater than 2W of 32 Ohm) that allows easy and happy pairings with most of the high-quality headphones that there are on the market. Pathos is sure for even the most demanding lover of listening through headphones he will be positively surprised and did not feel the need for another device.

The obsessive search for a common thread between industrial design, functionality, aesthetics and beauty is a value that Pathos has in his DNA since birth and the Pathos Twin Towers, his first device, is one example. Here then is that the designer has created a play of contrasting volumes, alternating full and empty spaces, taut lines and clean as opposed to elements strongly characterized, a sort of mixture of balanced proportions and high-tech materials, the all bounded by the iconic aluminum heat sinks, bearing serially the logo Pathos.

Other functional elements like the volume knob and cages to protect the valves are the result of evolution that Pathos wanted to give toward a more contemporary style of some iconic elements typical of the audio world, in any case never sterile forms and self-celebratory but always genuine expression of their function and suitable to fit in a listening room always in a harmonious but distinctive way, because device, space, and listener can find in a more natural and spontaneous way as possible a balance that involving multiple senses, for a fuller and more rewarding experience.

But this, according to the factory, it is also a way to bring the great Pathos sound to a increasingly wide audience and so also to those who simply love the Music and the beauty.

The sound
While being ClassicRemix a highly innovative project, in terms of pure sound quality, the amplifier perfectly reflects the tradition of the house: not special effects or objectionable colorations to attract hasty listeners, but only great respect for the Music.

Pathos Acoustics is fully satisfied with the result: a complete sound in all parameters, a wide soundstage with width and depth, correct tone, sense of rhythm, energy beyond of all expectations, low frequencies extended and natural but never out of control, detail and airiness that they live together in harmony and never listening fatigue.

ClassicRemix is a real ”musical machine” that invites us to rediscover with renewed pleasure and enthusiasm our collection.

Technical specification
Classic Remix rear by Pathos
Type Integrated stereo amplifier, fully balanced, Hybrid technology.
Preamplifier stage Tube (2×6922 ECC88)
Final stage solid stade, bridge mode, class AB
Output Power 2×70 W RMS @ 8 Ω (Both channel driven)
Frequency response 1,5Hz – 200KHz ± 0,5dB
Max input voltage 4,25VRMS
Input sensitivity 500m VRMS
Input impedance 47K Ω
Output polarity Non- inverting. Balanced pin 2 +
Volume regulator 2 x Burr Brown PGA2310 (180 steps 0,5dB)
THD 0,025% @ 70W
S/N Ratio > 100dB
Power requirements 250W @ 70W PC / 100W @ zero volume / < 0,5W@standby
Analogue inputs 1 balanced XRL
4 unbalanced RCA
Digital inputs Installation of (optional) HiDac Mk2 board is required to enable these inputs
1 USB port type “B”, 1 SPDIF coaxial, 1 SPDIF optical
Outputs 1 Pre out stereo line
1 connector for jack headphone 6,3mm
Headpone Specifications
Output power 1,6W @ 32 Ω
Output impedance 10 Ω
Max output level 10 V RMS
Frequency response 1,5Hz – 200KHz ± 0,5dB
THD 0,025%
Amplifier 37cm (D) x 280cm (W) x 170cm (H)
Packed 490cm (D) x 430cm (W) x 300cm (H)
Weight (net / packed) 14Kg / 17,5 Kg

Additional information


Red Lacquer, Black Lacquer, White Lacquer, Zebrawood